When narcissist ego combines with or is integrated with guilt and shames it starts’ punishing the innocent self like a real narcissist and the innocent self bears the warrant of wrath. The innocent self feels so shameful that it hides the face and eyes with hands and wishes to leave this world in utter desperation.
Polarities and paradoxicalities of human mind
The guilt complex is born out of paradoxicalities of human mind. In guilt complex the integrated mind tends to split in two selves or parts. One primitive mind is represented by inner child or id and the second developed part is
represented by super ego. In guilt complex there exist two opposing emotions in human mind. The narcissist aspect of emotion is represented by egos totally identified with guilt becoming judgmental superego. The masochist innocence can not live with narcissist ego. Ego identified with id is the second aspect of emotion. But in guilt complex these two contrasting emotions start living together as enemies’ entangled like a node or knot. The ego narcissist constantly tortures and torments the innocent self.
The self –flagellation behavior of self condemning and self criticizing is found in either the person living with a narcissist personality or the person suffering from guilt complex. Both these victims, one of narcissism and the other of guilt complex, are constantly or in perpetual/habitual mood of condemning themselves for their assumed imagination. A constant feeling of self reproach, guilt, self recrimination and thus self punishment characterizes the behavior of both.
Self –flagellation/ self reproach
The phenomenon of self flagellation is characterized by constant feeling of guilt, self condemnation, self reproach, worthlessness and self recrimination and thus self punishment. The guilt character is in constant mood of flagellation. . Who is flagellated and who flagellates? The innocent child within everyone is flagellated or whipped and the subject of flagellation is ego combined with guilt. The guilt in connivance with egos punishes the id brutally and ruthlessly. The relationship between guilt and innocent feelings becomes very incompatible, and of bitterness and the innocent feelings go on bearing the wrath and warrant of guilt for whole life.
In a way the innocent child like feelings start performing the role of a masochist person. Similarly in the outside world, the wife or relative of victim of the narcissist’s cruelty and coercion, starts playing the role of masochist character. The victim of narcissist’s brutality goes on blaming herself for the condition of his father, child’s and parent’s mental state or health.
Self blaming and self accusation is form of guilt. The victim starts blaming himself for the wrongs and misdeeds of others. He thinks his self to be responsible for that and considers him as real culprit. The victim of guilt may ask you “Am I to blame for my child’s, parents and husband’s ill
health”? It is state of confusion that generally is generated in the person suffering from guilt. Sometimes she thinks what she is doing or saying is really a dream or dreamlike. It is blurriness of consciousness and delusionary state of mind just like stupefaction or stupor produced by intoxicants.
Narcissist personality
The narcissist person is full of negative feeling of self guilt and shame and outwardly from his cruel and brutal behavior it appears as if he has no guilt or shame. It is the “paradox of narcissism” what appears to be is not in actual practice. Outwardly in his romantic and passionate show of love he seems to be very charming, charismatic ,appealing and appeasing but actually from his heart or core he is brutal and cruel and devoid of any human sympathy and empathy. He is senseless to these emotions.
He is senseless to love. The only sense he possesses that is of self and ego. This self or ego sense is so exaggerated in narcissist that he forgets every sense of life. Life for him is sensuous gratification nothing else. There is no deep meaning of life for him. Life for him is sense pleasure nothing more or less. The more one indulges in intoxicants and drugging the more narcissists he becomes
In severe guilt complex psychosis the ego integrated with guilt assumes herself the role of a judge. It delivers the judgment against ego integrated with innocent child and narcissistically and mercilessly punishes and flagellates the innocent child. In narcissist personality disorder the cruelly and wickedness punishes others but here in guilt complex the opposite happens. The inner narcissist ego in connivance with guilt punishes its own “innocent child” within. It is self imposed punishment. It is self reproach. This type of self imposed punishment is more cruel and brutal and more barbaric in nature. Its wildness and self inflicted injuries are more painful and crucifying/excruciating than a narcissist’s wildness/injuries inflicted on other persons.