There exists a deep unfathomable link between shame, rape and gonorrhea. The one more obnoxious idea Aids may be listed in this hidden link and connectedness of these elements. On the surface level of reality these seem to be widely different to have any internal connectedness. The deep existing link is very difficult to discern and establish. With the deep understanding of psychodynamics of human mind this lost link becomes very plausible.
When the person feels pathological or toxic shame physician should be on his guard to find some traces/ cookies that may lead to either gonorrhea or rape. From the
fragmentary information provided by the patient it is not difficult to find the history of either rape or gonorrhea in the patient’s life. We will have to dive deep into the psychology of the victim of rape or prey of rape. What does the heinous act or crime can produce in the mind of the victim? The society does not approve or recognize the victim in any form.The rape is taken as stigma or blot on integrity. However the victim may be innocent and lamb like, the victim of brutality and tyranny but the collective sense of society does not approve the helplessness. Whatever sympathy or empathy we may have with the prey of rape but the feelings of shame are so attached to this act that one can not help feeling it. The victim after the occurrence of rape incident is injured in his psyche and he starts having feelings of shame and guilt. It is not easy to shed the feeling of shame and guilt after the act.
These feelings are very traumatizing and anxiety producing. The big question is when the innocent victim has no responsibility for the heinous act and is helpless than why he repeatedly thinks inferior. The victim is not responsible for the act than why thinks herself responsible? The shame is not a purely personal phenomenon but its roots are spread to collective unconscious. Shame is integral part of our shadow.
Shame and shadow are intertwined like the two copulating snakes the female and male snake are trying to seek the union through copulation. They can remain in copulatory stage for pretty long time. They wish to be the integral part of the big whole. Snake is big shadow symbol. Shadow tries to image itself through the image of snake. Snake shame and shadow are eternally connected. The three S represent the dark side of human existence and personality.
These three S have occupied the major part of human unconscious. These three S are scattered in the dense and dark desert of unconscious. No wonder the three big S are most dreaded and feared things on this universe. None wants to have them yet the irony of fate is everyone wishes these in the depths of unconscious. Shame is wanted and longed for vicariously by being “shameless” in the “darkest of the dark.” Snake is beautiful symbol of our shadow universally. In some cultures it is worshiped as god and it had acquired a respectable hierarchical place in the pantheon. In kundlini yoga the serpent on base of our mullah charka is depicted as sitting coiled. Snake here represents lust and libido. Libido is our vital force that
animates human life.The three big S are negative states producing emotions. These produce feeling of disgust and loathsomeness and revulsion and repulsion. These produce revulsive and repulsive moods. We intentionally wish to escape and avoid these emotions. We wish to close our eyes to dispel the fear of these things. We just become “pigeons-like” in the face of these emotions or while confronting these. The victim of rape shuns society; he closes his eyes not to see glimpses of the society and people. He has great fear of people and strangers. This is the projection of his internal fears on people.
What is shame? It is the fixation of mind on some deplorable idea or of something like that the human mind has been conditioned or programmed to feel like by the society. It is the admission of something “bad” and than clinging to it. Every fixation produces shame like negative emotions but the person is helpless so powerful is its grip and grabbing. Shame is simply “concealment” and inability to face the challenge. Why one is hiding or concealing something?
The simple answer is the infant mind is trained and programmed to believe and act that something is wrong with the event. The event is sex.or sexual activity. It may be voluntary or involuntary. So this condition of human mind produces the damaging emotion of shame. Shame simply means I am wrong and I am conscious of this wrongness in me. So the idea of “consciousness of wrongness” is shame. It is very unnatural emotion.
Accept it and make it natural by psychotherapy to escape the pangs of anxiety. Like shame Gonorrhea (Sycosis) is also inherited from unconscious. Gonorrhea is active form of sycosis. Its morbid diseased potential form for further diseases is sycosis. Sycosis is disease archetype. It is the image-form or blue print for its further copies. Its reflection from human unconscious produces innumerable diseases. Aids are the new addition to the already long existing list of diseases.
Sycosis is very potential disease archetype. It generates deep sense of insecurity, secrecy, fearfulness, suspiciousness and above all shamefulness. The tree of shamefulness with its branches like self guilty and self pity is deep rooted in unconscious of mankind. Any outside unfavorable social event or situation may trigger this emotion hidden deep in our unconscious.
The toxic effect of shame may be gauged from the damaging effects it casts especially on eyes of prey. The victim of rape can not see eye to eye with during conversation. She starts feeling very uncomfortable in the company especially of strangers. While confronting people her eyes are automatically shut closed. The eyes are cast down. She can not open his eyes. The eye muscles are paralyzed called “dropping of eyelids”. The eyelids are dropped. She results from her inability to face the predator, the rapist.